September 19, 2024

 SEPT 19, 2024 xx

These 2 Form Fixes Can Prevent Injuries

A new running-injury study has produced several clear results that can help you avoid injury. To do so, you may need to retrain your running form.

Researchers reached their conclusions by analyzing the “running posture” of 105 injured runners vs 50 who had never been injured. 

They investigated a number of anatomical and posture measurements, but didn’t use high-tech sensors. Instead, they employed a simple video camera. This implies that similar results might be possible by “eyeballing” a runner on a treadmill, or taking still photos. 

Here are several measures that did not contribute to injury: height, weight, BMI, footstrike (rear vs forefoot), or average weekly training distance.

In the comparison of injured vs non injured runners, two measures stood out. The first was “forward head posture,” sometimes called “turtle neck.” This results when the head tilts forward from the average trunk lean angle.

Turtle neck can lead to “imbalances between the hip flexors and extensors.” It was found to increase risk of injury by about 50%.

Far worse was “hip hike” which is often called “pelvic tilt.” It refers to a line drawn from the top of the pelvis on one side to the top of your pelvis on the other side. 

This line should be parallel to the ground, or very close. It shouldn’t “tilt” one way or the other. In the study group, non-injured runners had a tilt of 1 degree or less. 

Injured runners had a tilt of 3 degrees or more. This resulted in a 17 times greater risk of injury. 

The authors suggested several ways to improve pelvic tilt. These included standing on one leg for balance, and strengthening the gluteal muscles. The simple, popular “hip hike” exercise is another alternative, and can be performed on a staircase, sidewalk, or step platforms.

Conclusion: Looking at running body posture “can aid in understanding factors associated with RRIs, offering valuable insights for rehabilitation, muscle strength enhancement, and injury prevention.” More at Medicina with free full text.

Plyometrics Can Boost Your Performance By 11 Percent

A new systematic review of strength training for distance runners updates what has been learned since 2014. It found that “plyometric, complex, and strength training” for at least 6 weeks could be expected to improve performance by 2.5% to 11.6%. (Subjects were 92% male.)

Importantly, runners who followed the “plyometric training program obtained the highest average of 11.6%.” The plyometric exercises often included box jumps and squat jumps.

The researchers believe that strength training improved “coordination of the lower limbs and muscle coactivation” while it also reduces ground contact time. In concert, these produce an improvement in running economy.

Bottom line: Strength training should be carried out twice a week for at least 6 weeks as runners are entering their peak fitness phase of training. If that’s too much, “It is possible to obtain benefits in running performance with just 1 [strength] training session per week.” More at Retos with free full text.

Two Processed Foods You MUST Avoid

We’re practically drowning in processed foods, often called “ultra processed foods” in the media. And they aren’t doing us any good. It seems that we read almost daily reports about adverse health outcomes and even cognitive impairment related to processed foods. 

It has gotten so bad that some are looking for a silver lining or common-sense approach. A lengthy story in Time magazine points out that not all processed foods are equally bad, and some can be part of a healthy diet. 

National Institutes of Health researcher Kevin Hall did one of the first and most damaging studies on processed foods, showing that they increased daily calorie consumption by a whopping 500 calories a day. But even he acknowledges, “You could have situations where you have healthy ultra-processed foods.”

Truth is, virtually all endurance fuels--drinks, gels, bars, etc--would fall into the ultra processed category. After all, it takes a good bit of processing to make them lightweight, portable, and high energy.

A new and widely reported paper in The Lancet offers some simple, helpful advice. The research showed that “ultra-processed savory snacks, cold cereals, and yogurt/dairy-based desserts” actually lowered risk of heart disease. 

It pointed a finger at two major culprits: sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened drinks; and processed meat, poultry and fish (like bacon, hot dogs, breaded fish products, chicken sausages and salami sandwiches). These are the processed foods you should severely limit in your diet. More at The Lancet Regional Health--Americas.

HIT Training Vs Low Intensity: Which Wins?

You’ve probably asked yourself the above question at some point. Or perhaps you put it this way: “I don’t like interval training. Can I get the same benefits from running farther at a slower, more enjoyable pace?”

Good question! And here’s an answer from a top Norwegian research group.

They aimed to measure the improvements gained among cyclists who worked out at two widely different intensities. The Low Intensity group did 88% of their training in Zone 1, and 0% in Zone 3. The High Intensity group did 36% in Zone 1, 38% in Zone 2, and 26% in Zone 3.

The LI group worked out 6.7 hours per week, and the HI group only 1.6 hours.

The researchers wanted to find out how the two training programs affected: A) Lactate threshold and fat burning, which can be important in long races like marathons and beyond; and B) vo2 max, which contributes to success at any distance beyond pure sprinting, but especially in the middle distances from 800 meters to 5000 meters. 

Who won? Both training programs. Low intensity training (LIT) boosted A, while HIT boosted B.

Conclusion: “The main finding was the specificity of training.” That is, slow training makes you better at slow running, and fast training makes you better at fast running.

So, your training should include both LI and HI efforts. And you need to tailor it to your specific racing goals, especially as your race date grows closer. 

Importantly, you can’t aim for optimal performance by doing more slow training. Because “a very high volume alone cannot compensate for the lack of sufficient intensity for the overall development of endurance performance.” More at Plos One with free full text.

How You Can Become An “Ageless Runner”

Running is a lifetime sport, but we go through different epochs on our long journey. This was emphasized in a very precise way by a surprising new paper showing the “nonlinear dynamics” of human aging. Here’s a news story based on the paper.

It found that the human body appears to hit distinct pitfalls--ranging from an increase in muscle strains to an increase in diabetes risk--in the mid-40s and again at age 60. These indicate that the “functions and risks of aging-related diseases change nonlinearly across the human lifespan.”

So, too, with running, though no one has measured the exact changes and challenges we face. Except perhaps for this one: At age 70 or so, our rate of slowing down gets faster. Our performance suffers a sharper drop than in previous decades.

What can be done as we get older and slower? After all, we still want to continue running to maintain good health and vigor.

This article argues that older runners “should prioritize injury prevention, joint health, and recovery.” This can be accomplished with more gentle exercise like yoga or Pilates, more cross training (especially non-weight-bearing exercises like swimming, cycling, and elliptical work).

Also, strength training remains crucial for older runners, as it helps maintain muscle mass, improves bone density, and reduces the risk of falls. 

Remember what Ken Cooper said: “We don’t stop exercising because we get old. We get old because we stop exercising.” More at Sport Coaching.

Splash Away! You’ll Run Faster

It’s one of the road racing photos you see most often: Someone grabs a cup of water from a fluid table, and splashes it all over himself/herself. 

Sometimes the resulting shot produces a rainbow of reflective colors.

But does that splash help the runner finish faster? The answer is “Yes,” according to a new study that evaluated “water dousing” of runners.

The paper used a randomized, crossed-over trial with 13 runners who completed one hot, humid 10K with “dousing” and an identical one without. 

Result: The runners finished significantly faster, by 27 seconds, in the dousing condition. They improved from 44:38, on average, to 44:11. This improvement could, of course, be much greater in a longer race.

The improvement occurred without any difference in heart rate, core body temperature, or relative perceived effort. Rather, “The positive change in thermal perception (via lower skin temperature) during the time trial likely drives this benefit.” More at International J of Sports Physiology & Performance.

It’s important to note that water can also have negative effects on runners. It increases the friction between the body and various fabrics. This could lead to more rashes and blisters, etc. It will also make your apparel and shoes weigh more.

How To Maintain Marathon Motivation

Sometimes we all need a pat on the back and a few reassuring words. Something like this: “It’s okay. You might feel down now, but you’re going to feel much better soon.”

I find this is particularly true when you’re training for a fall marathon through the hot summer months. Every run feels difficult. Long runs are downright depressing--slow, sweaty, totally draining.

We hear many stories about the marathon’s mystery and magic. They make the distance sound so alluring, so enticing, so rewarding.

But it’s not always that way in your training buildup. That’s why I appreciate articles acknowledging that we all feel like “garbage” at times.

And then, like this one, offer positive encouragement to help you persist. You’re not burned out or almost injured, but you might be “functionally overreaching.” Which is okay, because you’ll bounce back soon with appropriate recovery and tapering.

Remember: “If every day of training felt easy, everyone would be running marathons. When the going gets tough, you have to zoom out and trust the process. After all, it’s making you more prepared for race day.” More at Outside Online.

Ice Is Nice … But Only For 6 Hours

To ice or not to ice? Similarly, to take a cold-water bath after training, or not to sit in the tub? These questions have been vexing endurance athletes for the last decade or so.

Why? Because some studies, mainly in animals, have indicated that ice/cold water can actually inhibit the healing process and the subsequent training effect that should follow hard training. After all, early hunter-gatherers didn’t have much ice or freezing water. We didn’t evolve to get fitter that way.

On the other hand, many hard-training runners swear by their ice and cold-water baths, counting them a key to recovery. What’s the smartest strategy?

A new review article tackles the subject. It notes that the goal should not be “obliterating the inflammatory and regeneration processes but instead aim to restore an adapted/normal regulation of these processes to improve function and recovery.”

The authors reach this conclusion: “Cryotherapy may be recommended in the first 6 hours following an injury to reduce pain (and possibly haematoma.)”

After that, step back and let your body’s natural processes take over. Ice “should be used with caution beyond 12 hours.”

They don’t discuss the similar paradox with NSAIDs that limit inflammation but may also limit subsequent muscle protein synthesis and adaptation. But a similar approach seems logical. Use as needed for a short period of time, but not chronically over days and weeks. More at British J of Sports Medicine.

SHORT STUFF You Don’t Want To Miss

>>> Protein visualized: Here’s a helpful “Cheat Sheet” that shows you what 30 grams of protein (from 9 different sources) looks like. Good for the refrigerator front door

>>> Weight Loss Success: She lost 190 pounds through running and diet changes. Jennifer Brown weighed 348 pounds the day she decided to take action.


>>> Talking shoes: This new pedometer will tell you when it’s time for new shoes because your current pair have lost too much cushioning and energy return. 

GREAT QUOTES Make Great Training Partners

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”

– Muhammad Ali, as quoted by Sifan Hassan before she won the Paris Olympic Marathon

October 10, 2024

OCT 10, 2024 xx

How To Build Your Mental Toughness For Stronger Races

Our physical performance depends largely on our physical preparedness. That’s why we train. But sometimes we forget that the brain is part of the body--a fairly key part, no?--and also needs to be trained.

In recent years, sports scientists have been looking more closely at this connection. It has become one of the more active research areas. The goal: to identify various patterns or triggers that can affect brain-body performance. 

This article takes a look at several such triggers--for example, meditation. At first glance, it seems strange that practicing stillness could improve vigorous exercise like running. Yet, “Regular meditation can enhance one’s ability to remain present, focused, and non-reactive, especially in the volatile contexts of competitive sports.”

Increased resilience is another major goal. It can teach us “to view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and challenges as chances to improve. This mindset is essential for long-term success in sports, as it encourages a continual pursuit of excellence and a steady approach to training and competition.”

No one’s going to argue with that. More mental strategies at Training Peaks.

A few years back, top former triathlete Joanna Zieger, now a sports psychologist, began investigating how mental toughness (MT) can help you overcome the inevitable surprises and challenges of a long race. She found a wide range of MT in her subjects.

Females in particular showed “lower levels of confidence, self esteem, self belief, and control.” Thus, they have room for much improvement in MT. More at PLOS ONE with free full text.

Last year, a paper assessed the MT of more than 300 trail runners. Those who scored high in MT also exhibited high “resilience and performance.” More at Perceptual And Motor Skills with free full text. 

How 5 Birthdays Affected The World’s Fastest 70 Yr Old Runner

Gene Dykes has gone where no runner has ventured before. First, he set a marathon world best in 2018 when, at age 70, he ran a certified and “legal” course (that was unsanctioned for record purposes) in 2:54:23.

Then--and here’s the astonishing part--he began tackling a nearly endless number of ultramarathon adventure races around the globe. We’re talking about 100 milers, 200 milers, 6-day races, and so forth. Many in far-flung lands and environments.

How has all this wear-and-tear affected Dykes’s best performances? Well, his fastest marathon of 2024 is the 3:28:43 he ran at Boston. Also, his vo2 max has dropped from 45.8 ml/kg/min at age 70 to 39.8 this year. We know this because Dykes somehow managed to squeeze two laboratory test sessions into his race-packed years.

His decline in vo2 max was big: 15.1 percent, or about 2.5% per year. The researchers note: “This is much higher than the expected reduction of 0.5 to 1% per year.”

Most of the other retest results looked good. Dykes’s running economy remained high, and he’s still racing at a high percent of his vo2 max. It’s just that his vo2 max has dropped so much that even his high-percent doesn’t get him where he used to be. His weight and body fat both increased a slight amount.

At this point, any top coach would advise Dykes to do more speedwork and strength training. But it’s not clear that he’s as interested in performance as he is in exploring the world’s great ultra adventures. It’s his life, so he gets to play by his own rules. 

We remain inspired by all his performances, and thankful that he also subjects himself to laboratory testing (where you don’t even get a medal for finishing.) More at J of Applied Physiology.

Hold The Evening Carbs To Boost Weight Loss & Performance

There’s continued high interest in possible combinations of intermittent fasting and performance improvement. A new study looked at the “Sleep Low, Train Low” hypothesis.

In other words, what happens when you limit carb intake the evening before a morning workout, and also don’t carb-up immediately before that workout?

To find out, investigators used a stringent procedure, with a twist, that required two groups to consume the same total carbs the day before their morning workout. One group consumed all their carbs before 4 p.m., while the other followed a more typical all-day consumption pattern. 

Result: This modest difference had a health and performance impact. The no-carbs-after-4 p.m. subjects lost weight, improved their fat burning, and (most important) produced a higher vo2 max in a followup test.

Conclusion: “This method can be used to reduce body weight in individuals with obesity and enhance athletes’ performance.”

Here are the key details. The study included 22 university students, half female. They were not serious athletes but participated in “sports club activities.” 

During a 7-day period, subjects in both groups ran for 60-minutes at an easy pace before consuming breakfast. Subjects all consumed the same total calories and total carbs/day. BUT the experimental group ate all their carbs before 4 p.m., and then stopped. 

After 7 days, the experimental group had lost 3 pounds. About 70% of that was muscle loss--not a good thing. Even with the muscle loss, this group showed a higher power output and vo2 max than before the experiment began. There were no such changes in the control group that consumed carbs all day long.

From this the researchers noted: “The dietary periodization strategy adopted in this experiment improved endurance.” They suggested that anyone trying this approach should consider additional protein consumption, particularly leucine, to limit muscle loss. More at Nutrients with free full text.

Amazing But True! How Exercise Changes Belly Fat

No one wants more belly fat around the middle. For beginners, it doesn’t look good. More importantly, belly fat is associated with increased risk of those chronic health problems like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Exercise is known to be good at reducing such diseases. But researchers didn’t know if or how exercise affected belly fat specifically, and its link to chronic health ills.

Here, a team decided to find out by comparing two groups of overweight/obese individuals. One group was sedentary. The other consisted of folks who had been exercising regularly for at least 2 years. 

Result: The exercisers’ belly fat had more blood vessels, fewer inflammatory cells, and more proteins that boost energy production and healthy fat storage.

Conclusion: “Regular exercise may play a role in remodeling [abdominal fat] structure and proteomic profile in ways that may contribute to preserved cardiometabolic health.” In other words, even if the exercise doesn’t lower your belly fat, it is at least making the fat deposits less injurious to your health. More at Nature Metabolism.

Seeing Red? How Color Choices Can Boost Or Unravel Your Performance 

The marathon is a big physical test, and perhaps even more an emotional challenge. A little-explored subject, color, can make a difference, according to new research that explores the links between color and performance.

It begins with an observation: “Vision is the most important sense for humans and animals. Over 90% of the information humans acquire from the outside world is obtained through vision, where we perceive the size, brightness, color, and movement of external objects.”

Okay, 90 percent is impressive. What more? “In marathon competitions and training, colors directly affect the physiology and psychology of athletes, causing emotional changes that subsequently affect their performance and athletic achievements.”

Continuing: “In marathon sports, if coaches and athletes can accurately use the positive effects of color, they will surely be able to help control emotions, overcome the irritability that occurs during long-distance running, eliminate fatigue in a timely manner, adjust and improve the athlete's physical function, and bring out the athlete's potential to achieve better competitive results.”

Okay, so how can you use this information to improve your race times? Without offering any hard evidence, the authors suggest that you should wear cool colored clothing in summer races, and “warm colors” in the winter. 

Also, runners often enjoy “clothing in the colors of their national flag.” This might help you associate with something greater than yourself. More at Cambridge Sports Science with free full text.

A colorful diet could also make you fitter and healthier. More at McMillan Running.

Here’s A New Way To Choose Your Best Shoe

Our running world is full of super shoes these days. In fact, we’re faced by a bewildering number of shoes, foams, plates, rockers, and more. This makes it almost impossible to figure out which shoe is best for you.

That’s a problem, because the shoes are expensive. You’d like to know which shoe will improve your running economy the most. But how do you figure that without visiting an exercise physiology lab?

Here, a team of German biomechanists tested a substitute method. They used the popular Stryd power meter (a small pod that attaches to your shoes). The Stryd pod can measure power, ground contact time, leg stiffness, vertical oscillation, stride frequency, stride length, and more. 

Subjects included 31 male runners who were training an average of 32 miles a week, and could race a 10K in under 44:00. They ran 1200 meters in each of 3 super shoes that had stack heights of 25mm, 35mm, and 45mm. 

All the shoes were equipped with Stryd meters. The subjects ran on a flat, concrete surface.

Result: Two Stryd metrics--leg spring stiffness, and low vertical oscillation--most closely characterized super shoe “responders” from “nonresponders.” Thus, you could use these two metrics to pick your most efficient shoes.

Conclusion: “This study could provide the blueprint for runners to evaluate their running response to different footwear models themselves. The comparison of vertical oscillation and leg spring stiffness between runs could potentially support the choice of footwear providing better running economy.” More at Sensors with free full text. (The research received no funding from Stryd.)

Movement Is Medicine, And Exercise Beats Cholesterol

When you visit your local health care provider for an annual physical, s(he) checks your age, weight, blood pressure, blood oxygen, blood glucose, blood cholesterol, and more.

But you aren’t asked about your Strava training data or the step count totals from your Apple watch. Doctors don’t seem to care much about your exercise. 

Perhaps they should. A big new study of U.S. adults aged 50 to 80 showed that recent activity patterns were a better predictor of mortality (and perhaps chronic, late-life illness) than any other measure--including your age, your BMI, and that battery of blood tests. 

In other words, your health isn’t defined by the calendar or a blood sample. Your exercise level is more important. 

Here are a couple of key sentences from the paper: “Movement and health are intrinsically linked. Mobility loss with aging occurs across species and is linked to deterioration of the central and peripheral nervous systems, musculoskeletal systems, and sensory systems.”

The researchers believe that “signals from wearable accelerometry” [like Fitbits] should be “collected in standard surveys” by physicians. Your health insurance pays for all those annual blood tests. It should do the same for activity monitors. 

And your doctor should note your recent activity in those electronic databases that everyone uses these days. More at Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise with free full text.

How The Boston Marathon Deals With Mental Health Challenges

The Boston Marathon has long been a leader in running/marathon medical care. Boston first added a professional psychologist to its medical team in 2002. After the trauma of the 2013 finish-line bombs, the psych team has expanded dramatically. It now numbers 60.

A new journal report “critically outlines, evaluates, and analyzes the approach and effectiveness of the psychological care model provided to runners on race day as part of the Boston Marathon.” It notes that Boston’s psychology team has even developed a “Marathon Mental Status Examination.” 

The exam includes questions such as “What is your name? Do you know what city you are in?” And, “How did you find the course today? Did you experience any difficult parts?” And, “When was the last time you urinated?”

The paper includes three case studies. First, there’s a disoriented runner who had developed hyponatremia. With questioning, the psychologist recognized his condition, and called in a treatment team. Second, there’s a runner who failed the mental status evaluation, and spoke with a strange rhythm. The psychologist identified autism spectrum disorder, and spoke reassuringly to the athlete, who was pleased to have his condition recognized and discussed openly. 

Third, there’s a female runner in her 60s who had fallen at the finish line. She was frightened by this, as it had never happened in her previous marathons. The psychologist helped her reframe her incident as a learning experience she could apply to future races. 

Conclusion: “The integration of a psychology team into the Boston Marathon’s medical support model has set a new standard for mental health care in marathon settings. This innovative approach addresses the complex physiological and psychological stresses that runners face, providing critical support during and after the race.” More at Sports Medicine. 

SHORT STUFF You Don’t Want To Miss

>>> After running the Western States 100: Your skeletal muscles are trashed, of course. But there’s no apparent increase in arterial stiffness (that’s good) and blood pressure actually drops, also good. 

>>> Think before acting: What search-and-rescue volunteers want you to know about long trail runs and hikes.

>>> Just lift it: “Strength training is beneficial for future knee health, counteracting long-held assumptions that strength training has adverse effects.”

GREAT QUOTES Make Great Training Partners

"I run with my head, my heart and my guts, because physically, I don't think I've got a great deal of talent or ability. I started at the bottom and worked up."

--Steve Jones, two-time winner of the Chicago Marathon